Flowers in a Gift Teacup Teleflora's Pink Roses Teacup Bouquet Review

Flowers in a Gift Teacup Teleflora's Pink Roses Teacup BouquetI ordered a pink mini rosebush to be delivered to my mother on Valentine's Day. I told her a surprise was on the way and to be on the lookout for it. She called me at the end of the day and said there'd been no delivery. I called Teleflora and asked what happened. They said that they did not have access to delivery information and would not tell me which florist had been used for the order. They also said deliveries were backed up for Valentine's Day and that they would try to deliver again tomorrow. I agreed to having it delivered the following day even though that was no longer Valentine's Day. At the end of the following day my mother called me again, still no delivery. Now that's inexcusable! You're a floral company right? That delivers flowers? So, how come no flowers were delivered? I called Teleflora, once again, same song and dance: We do not have and cannot give you, the customer the delivery and florist information. So, I canceled the order and had a refund issued to my credit card. I've been told that my refund should appear in the next few days. I'll be checking, I don't trust this company at all and will never use them again. I cannot in good conscience recommend a floral delivery company that doesn't do floral delivery. Use another florist, Teleflora doesn't deliver.

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Product Description:
Alstroemeria; asters and roses arrive arranged in a floral teacup with matching saucer. Approximately 7 W x 8" H Gift Birthday Congratulations Get Well Housewarming Love & Romance Thank You Anniversary Business Gift Graduation New Baby Summer Thinking of You Mother's Day Christmas Roses Flowers Multi-Colored Unisex-Adult Women

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